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Do we have your Attention?The only Sales AI platform your revenue team needs

Try Attention Attention

Everything You Want to Know About Your Customers: Just One Click Away
Attention reveals why you’re winning or losing deals and empowers you to take action.


Track More with Fewer Resources
Customize triggers so our AI listens to what matters most during calls. Update your CRM with a single click.

Transform Your CRM into a Knowledge Hub
Make your CRM a centralized resource for the entire organization.

Automate Follow-Up Emails with AI
Attention interprets conversations and crafts tailored follow-up emails based on your call discussions.

Write Persuasive Follow-Up Emails That Convert
Retain customers by using their own words in your communication.

Use Cases

Attention Helps Your Sales Teams Succeed

Real-Time Coaching
Provide live, actionable guidance to your sales reps during calls for faster onboarding.

Consistent Sales Messaging
Ensure aligned messaging from seasoned reps to new hires.

Try Attention

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