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Closely is a LinkedIn sales intelligence platform. Find leads, get verified business emails for guaranteed sales.

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LinkedIn Scraper: Closely Chrome Extension. Profiles scanning and data export.

 LinkedIn Email Extractor: Find emails for any lead you found on LinkedIn, single or in bulk. Open contacts of people on their LinkedIn pages 

Lead Finder - B2B Contact Database: Find business contacts in the 132‑million‑record database. Filter the base easily

 Multichannel Campaigns: Excelling over key business channels, adeptly engage potential partners 

LinkedIn Outreach: Send connection messages and messages on autopilot. Like post, view profile and endorse skills Email Outreach: Engage a broad audience via a trusted professional channel 

Meetings Scheduling Schedule appointments with prospects directly through the Platform using Appoint by Closely


  • Personal: $99/month
  • Growth: $219/month
  • Pro: $399/month

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