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Deploy AI-Powered modules to prevent payment fraud

Try Greip Greip


Credit Card Fraud Detection

  • Identify fraudulent activities in payment transactions.

IBAN Validation

  • Validate IBANs and retrieve associated information.

VPN/Proxy Detection

  • Detect VPN or proxy connections for any IP address.

ASN Lookup

  • Lookup AS Numbers and access their up-to-date routing information.

Data Validation

  • Validate user inputs for accuracy and integrity.

BIN/IIN Lookup

  • Retrieve details for any debit or credit card using BIN/IIN.

Profanity Detection

  • Identify negative language or profanity in any text.

IP Geolocation

  • Obtain comprehensive information about IP addresses.

Country Lookup

  • Access detailed information about countries worldwide.


  • Free: $0.00/month
  • Standard: $14.99/month
  • Premium: $29.99/month
  • Pay-As-You-Go: Contact us for details.

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