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Supercharge your top of funnel with a 24/7 AI that qualifies, converts, and follows up with leads.

Try MagicForm MagicForm

Features Highlight

Easy to Train
Scan websites, upload documents, and more. Our AI extracts key business facts for use in conversations. Monitor frequently asked questions, make live edits to knowledge, and maintain full visibility.

Easy to Instruct
Add questions and set up conditional logic using a simple drag-and-drop interface. Customize the conversation flow while allowing the AI to reference your inputs, keeping the customer in control of the interaction.

Easy to Trust
Update answers or adjust the knowledge base to ensure accurate, context-aware responses. Review and refine conversations to maintain trustworthiness.

Easy to Deploy
Deploy to any website with a straightforward copy-and-paste code snippet, including all your customizations. Integrate with WhatsApp and prepare for upcoming Messenger integration.

Easy to White Label
Invite clients to a branded dashboard with your name, logo, and domain. Seamlessly incorporate AI lead qualification into your existing services.

Easy to Observe
Our proprietary technology enhances agent capabilities beyond GPT, ensuring accuracy and preventing misinformation.

Easy to Integrate
Automate actions such as lead notifications, zaps, and more with effortless integration setups.

Easy to Follow Up
Design custom follow-up journeys and send highly personalized emails directly from the lead manager using your connected email.

Pricing Plans 

  • Starter: $20/month
  • Pro: $99/month
  • Enterprise: $249/month

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