Scenario Simulations
- Define investment criteria like asset type, country, industry, and risk & return preferences. Generate and compare portfolios from thousands of assets to find the best fit for your needs.
Asset Forecasts
- Access 1-year forecasts for assets and simulations, including confidence intervals. Forecasts integrate analyst estimates from major financial institutions with PinkLion’s own predictions.
Portfolio Analytics
- Analyze your portfolio with detailed performance metrics, including returns, risks, asset contributions, and allocations. Compare your portfolio with various investment strategies.
Use Cases
First-Time Investor
- Start with confidence using guided simulations and forecasts.
Seasoned Investor
- Enhance your strategies with detailed analytics and comparisons.
Quantitative Retail Trader
- Utilize advanced forecasts and scenario simulations to fine-tune trading strategies.
- Most PinkLion features are available at no cost.
PinkLion Pro
- Unlock unlimited access and stay ahead of the market for €15/month or €150/year. Support us with your upgrade.
- PinkLion vs Paddle
- PinkLion vs GiniMachine
- PinkLion vs FinBots
- PinkLion vs Jinnee
- PinkLion vs Greip
- PinkLion vs B Cube
- PinkLion vs TrueWind
- PinkLion vs Dipsway
- PinkLion vs Monarch Money
- PinkLion vs Composer Trade
- PinkLion vs MyUser
- PinkLion vs Reconcile
- PinkLion vs Morphlin
- PinkLion vs PitchPal
- PinkLion vs Soon
- PinkLion vs Avanz AI
- PinkLion vs CoinScreener
- PinkLion vs Stocked AI
- PinkLion vs Pionex
- PinkLion vs SocialPulse
- PinkLion vs Workist
- PinkLion vs Sturppy
- PinkLion vs Finsheet
- PinkLion vs Raizer
- PinkLion vs Gorilla Terminal
- PinkLion vs TiM Ai by Credit Ready
- PinkLion vs Zillion AI
- PinkLion vs OptionAlpha
- PinkLion vs Supermarket Wizard
- PinkLion vs Receipt-AI
- PinkLion vs combooks
- PinkLion vs Modeliks
- PinkLion vs TYKR
- PinkLion vs Rainex
- PinkLion vs Vestinda
- PinkLion vs Capital Connector
- PinkLion vs Equility
- PinkLion vs OUTPRFRM
- PinkLion vs Invoiless
- PinkLion vs Hoops AI
- PinkLion vs BigShort
- PinkLion vs Global Predictions
- PinkLion vs BeeBee
- PinkLion vs BVM
- PinkLion vs Ramp
- PinkLion vs Earnings Edge
- PinkLion vs Riskified
- PinkLion vs Datavisor
- PinkLion vs Trading lab
- PinkLion vs Taxly AI
- PinkLion vs FlyFin
- PinkLion vs Tradytics
- PinkLion vs Wallet
- PinkLion vs ContractReader