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Turn social media into a business growth engine

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Automate Your Social Media Marketing
Efficiently scale your business with advanced marketing automation. Utilize AI-powered content research and publishing tools for cost-effective growth.

Features Highlight

No Monthly Fees or Usage Limits
Use any AI chat model with your own API key and enjoy unlimited access.

Effortless Content Research
Consolidate all your content research in one easy-to-use platform.

Diverse AI Chat Models
Access GPT, Gemini, and Claude AI models for varied and robust interactions.

Sign In for More Features
Explore additional options like a prompt library, language support, output formats, tone, and writing style.

Bulk Posting
Launch multiple campaigns simultaneously, saving time and enhancing your online presence.

Recurring Posts
Leverage our top-tier recurring post tool to publish evergreen content at scale.

RSS Feed Automation
Stay updated with personalized, real-time news from your favorite sources, all in one place.

Approval Workflow
Streamline collaboration with our approval workflow, ideal for businesses and agencies.

White-Label Solution
Customize Postly for your brand with our white-label solution, perfect for businesses and agencies.

Gain in-depth insights into your social media campaigns with comprehensive analytics.

Pricing Plans

Simple Pricing Plans Choose from straightforward pricing options that are both affordable and feature-rich! All prices are displayed in USD; applicable taxes may apply.

  • Pro: $10/month
  • Premium: $30/month
  • Growth: $100/month
  • Agency: $375/month
  • Enterprise: $750/month

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