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Rank Faster

anIRank is the only SEO software backed up by data showing we're over twice as accurate as other leading SEO tools. We've invested a lot in R&D, but not much in marketing. So to help you see that our technology is legitimately better, we'd like to make you this promise:

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Keyword Research

Customized for Your Website

Wouldn’t it be helpful to know which keywords your competitors are targeting, which phrases Google considers related, and which terms offer the greatest potential specifically for your site? With CanIRank, you can sort these by search volume, ad value, and ranking difficulty. Your Keyword Research is done in seconds, automatically, for every campaign you launch.

Choose the Right Keyword Today, Rank #1 Tomorrow

CanIRank helps you find keywords where your site is already competitive, enabling you to achieve results quickly with less cost and risk. With over 2+ years of research, CanIRank’s Ranking Probability is twice as accurate as other Keyword Difficulty tools. CanIRank is the only SEO software capable of calculating a Keyword ROI Score to find the best balance between ranking difficulty and keyword value specifically for your website.

All the Data Professional SEOs Love, In Seconds

Your time is valuable! Don’t waste it querying multiple tools and copying results into Excel. CanIRank's SERP Analysis tool collects hundreds of data points for every keyword, incorporating leading paid SEO tools such as Moz and SEMRush. CanIRank's Rank Tracking tool identifies your most valuable keyword rankings without manual input and monitors the results on an ongoing basis, notifying you of any changes like rank fluctuations, competitor movements, or new link opportunities.

An X-Ray Machine for Search Engine Results Pages

The best SEOs spend countless hours analyzing search results to understand ranking factors. CanIRank's SEO Competitive Analysis software delivers the same data in seconds, providing insights into what's working and what's not. Reports are beautifully presented and easily understood, making them excellent for diagnosing and communicating website needs to clients or senior management before each new campaign.

Actions Guided by Data

Every search engine result page shows what kinds of links are favored, which content is most relevant, and optimal keyword usage. CanIRank transforms these data points into specific SEO tasks, such as which related words to include in your content, how to highlight important words, and where to get links for maximum benefit with minimum risk.

Become a Better Marketer

Staying current with SEO best practices is challenging as they constantly evolve. CanIRank connects you to a growing SEO Knowledge Base of appropriate actions customized to your skill level, site needs, and the historical effectiveness of each action. As your skills develop or your website’s needs change, your Action Plan is automatically updated, ensuring you always know which actions will have the greatest impact.

Prove Your Value

Safe, sustainable SEO is a long game, but small business and startup clients want results quickly. Balance these expectations by using CanIRank’s SEO Competitive Analysis software to help new clients understand what separates their site from existing rankers. Explain how your services will help close that gap using CanIRank’s Action Plan or your own. Identify low-hanging fruit with CanIRank's Keyword Difficulty tool, then focus on great work while CanIRank automatically tracks your progress across dozens of key SEO metrics. Even if rankings take time to appear, CanIRank’s weekly SEO Progress Reports with ranking factor score increases, new rankings, ranking changes, and clear explanations of completed SEO tasks will keep your client reassured.


  • Free: $0/month
  • DIY Individuals: $49/month
  • DIY Pro: $79/month
  • DIY Agency: $299/month

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