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Regie AI

Prospecting is hard. makes it easy.

Try Regie AI Regie AI Simplify Your Prospecting with AI


Never Write Another Cold Email
Automate your outbound email strategy with AI Agents, so you can focus more on selling rather than writing.

Socialize with Your Buyers
Efficiently manage LinkedIn outreach and engagement with AI, reducing the time spent on social media prospecting.

AI-Powered Dialer
Connect with buyers on a deeper level using's AI-powered dialer, designed to enhance your prospecting efforts.

Automated List Building
Let AI Agents handle lead sourcing, minimizing the time and technology required for list building.

Precision Targeting
Utilize B2B intent data with AI Agents to autonomously identify the best contacts, optimal timing, and messaging, removing guesswork from your strategy.

Use Cases

Sales Agents
AI-powered Sales Agents eliminate prospecting challenges, generating reliable meetings and managing outbound activities with minimal manual effort.

Revolutionize Outbound Prospecting
Streamline your outbound prospecting with AI Sales Agents, making it quicker and less tech-dependent.

Manage Inbound Leads
AI Sales Agents handle inbound leads with contextual follow-ups and autonomously engage with other accounts, maximizing lead value.


  • AI Agent Pricing
    Designed for scalability,’s AI Agents manage the entire prospecting workflow, including lead list building, content generation, and task execution.
    Cost: $50,000 per use case, regardless of sales team size.

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