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Sidekick by Jigso

Sidekick is an AI-powered Slackbot that serves as your personal business assistant.

Try Sidekick by Jigso Sidekick by Jigso

Make Better decisions, Faster.
Get up to speed on any topic, prep for meetings or analyze your pipeline in seconds, unlock 360 insights and track anything important with Jigso's AI-powered research & monitoring.


  • 360° AI-Powered Research & Analysis
    Save time on searching and gathering information. Quickly get up to speed or prepare for meetings with our AI-driven research tools.
  • 360° Search
    Save hours by finding answers across apps, data on pipelines, tickets, clients, files, or any topic with ease.
  • Monitoring Across Apps
    Proactively address issues and seize opportunities with Jigso, which monitors your apps and data for you.
  • Action Item Detection
    Stay on top of important tasks with automatic action item detection and reminders from all your communications and work apps.

Use Cases

  • Sales & Marketing Teams
    Boost the efficiency of your sales and marketing teams to close more deals and drive success.
  • Customer Success Teams
    Empower your customer success teams to excel in their roles and maintain top-notch performance.
  • Operations & Management
    Gain complete visibility across all areas, instantly.


Start free. No credit card needed.

  • Basic: Free
  •  Pro: $18.99/month

Try Sidekick by Jigso