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TalkNotes: The Ultimate AI-Powered Voice Note App

Transform hours of manual note-taking into minutes with TalkNotes. Simply record your voice notes, and our AI handles the transcription, cleanup, and structuring to streamline your workflow.


Effortless Brainstorming: Capture and organize your ideas instantly. Never lose a creative thought—record it and let our AI turn it into structured notes.

Easy Content Creation: Overcome writer's block by dictating your ideas. Watch as TalkNotes converts your spoken words into engaging, coherent content in seconds.

Voice Journaling: Create personal journals by recording your thoughts, feelings, and experiences. Enjoy a new, effortless way to maintain a daily journal.

Interview Transcription: Conduct interviews with ease. Get accurate, instant transcriptions of your conversations, allowing you to focus on the dialogue rather than taking notes.

Meetings Reimagined: Enhance meeting productivity. Record and transcribe meetings to ensure you capture every detail, reducing the risk of missed information.

Learn Faster: Convert lectures and study sessions into clear, organized notes and flashcards. Boost your study efficiency and retention with TalkNotes.


  • Monthly: $12/month
  • Yearly: $69/year

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