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Try TrueWind TrueWind


Core AI Platform

  • AI-Powered Efficiency: Streamline your month-end close process with AI, reducing administrative overhead and speeding up book closures.


  • Accelerated and Accurate: Leverage AI to enhance bookkeeping accuracy and efficiency. Truewind handles your back-office operations so you can focus on customer satisfaction.

API Products

  • Generative AI for CFOs: Access foundational AI tailored for CFOs with Truewind Enterprise. This finance and accounting-centric AI model supports your entire business.

CFO Services

  • Strategic Insights: Gain valuable insights to scale your business, from financial metrics evaluation to future performance forecasting. Receive personalized CFO support.

Taxes & R&D

  • Comprehensive Tax Services: Benefit from our expertise in federal and state tax filings and R&D tax credits. Work with a dedicated tax preparer who can address all your queries.


  • Book a Demo: Contact us to schedule a demo and explore how Truewind can transform your financial operations.

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