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Secure database queries from your frontend

Try Roq Roq

Secure Database Queries from Your Frontend

Effortlessly write secure data queries directly in your frontend code with built-in authentication, multi-tenancy, roles, and permissions.


Managed Postgres:

  • Scalable and highly available Postgres database deployment and management.

Secure Frontend DB Queries:

  • Write and execute secure database queries directly within your frontend code.

User Authentication:

  • Integrated secure login and registration, including support for social logins and two-factor authentication (2FA).

Organizations, Teams, Multi-Tenancy:

  • Easily organize users into different organizations or tenants.

Roles & Permissions:

  • Configure roles and manage access to APIs, frontend pages, and sections.

Payments and Subscriptions:

  • Implement and manage payments and subscriptions to control access to premium features.

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